Eurofiling Conference, 2019

Frankfurt am Main, 2019-06-11
Registration closes Thursday June 13rd 17:00!!!

Last seats available. Registration is MANDATORY. On-site registration is NOT available.
Please register for free at

Over 170 delegates from international regulatory and supervisory authorities, government agencies, standard-setting organisations, NGOs, financial institutions, software vendors and consulting firms will gather for the 26th Eurofiling Conference, hosted by the European Central Bank in Frankfurt am Main, 17-19 June.

The annual Eurofiling event, convened continuously since 2005, promotes interoperability, transparency, efficiency and openness of regulatory and government initiatives with the vision to build trust and sustainability in the European and global ecosystem. Responding to the multi-lateral challenges of the present, the Eurofiling Conference seeks new pathways for the future of the connected world by promoting collaboration between regulatory and market societies and building on the latest experiences and developments revolving around the policies, data and technology mix.

During this year's conference participants will have the opportunity to hear from the following keynote speakers:
  • Daniela Schackis, Deputy Director General, Directorate-General Secretariat, Supervisory Board (ECB)
  • Emanuele Baldacci, Director for Digital Services, European Commission
  • Erkki Liikanen, Chairman of the IFRS Foundation Trustees
  • François Laurent, Principal Adviser Director General Statistics, European Central Bank (ECB)
  • Gabriel Bernardino, Chairman, European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority (EIOPA)
  • Jo Swyngedouw, Alternate Chairman, European Banking Authority (EBA)
  • Steven Maijoor, Chairman, European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA)
  • Tajinder Singh, Deputy Secretary General, Int'l. Organization of Securities Commissions (IOSCO)
  • Werner Bier, Deputy Director General Statistics, European Central Bank (ECB)
The Eurofiling Conference event is organised by the Eurofiling Foundation p.f. Participation is free-of-charge upon mandatory registration under

About the Eurofiling Foundation p.f.
The Eurofiling Foundation p.f. is a non-profit foundation that since 2005 has been a collaborative environment and an open meeting place for regulators, supervisors and other entities, from both the public and the private sector, such as financial institutions, technology solutions' providers, academic and private individuals. The Eurofiling Foundation p.f. is tasked with facilitating collaboration, leveraging interoperability and increasing transparency in order to build trust in the financial ecosystem.