Kind letter to the participants.Eurofiling Conference Press Release…. REGISTRATION CLOSED….

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Monday June 17Tutorials Tutorials
09:30 5 Strategies for Smooth iXBRL ESEF Compliance .
10:30 How to use the IFRS taxonomy from an ESEF perspective
09:00-10:30 Viewers for ESEF
11:00 Anchoring on ESEF
11:30-12:30 Panel: ESEF Solution Providers.
13:30-17:00 ESMA Meet-The-Market 15:30-17:00 XII WGs: Calc2 & OIM
Tuesday June 18The Present
08:45 Welcome: François Laurent, ECB
09:00 Gabriel Bernardino, Chairman EIOPA
09:30 Steven Maijoor, Chairman ESMA
10:00 Jo Swyngedouw, Alt. Chairman EBA

09:00-10:30 XII WGs: TAGFT, BPB
11:00 SFTR Key aspects, timeline and challenges
Integration and Synergies in European Taxonomies: SRB
12:00 Reporting requirements – EIOPA approach
11:00 Use of external formula linkbases
The BIDA Observatory: a cooperative forum on Big Data, Artificial Intelligence and Data Analytics
12:00 State of Play with the SUBA system
11:00 Generating sample instances satisfying taxonomy assertions
11:30 Efficient approach to data quality assurance
12:00 XBRL Data as non-financial coporate data
13:30 Credit Reporting in Europe
14:00 An overview of the ESEF Regulation
14:30 Analysts societies preparing for ESEF
13:30 Potential Data Point Model ENHANCEMENT
14:00 DPM Architect: Release v1 – SQL CE and XBRL-SDMX approach
14:30 CASPER Update
13:30 Sustainable Finance and ISO,
14:00 MiFID II in Liechtenstein,
AnaCredit experiences?
15:30 The XBRL Standard: Looking Forward
16:00  LEI and Digital Verifiable Credentials
16:30 How XBRL, Blockchain and AI create a future for reporting
15:30 EIOPA 2019 regulatory reporting updates
16:00 Reporting requirement SRB
16:30 Evolution of the EBA reporting requirements
15:30-17:00 TUTORIAL: Arelle and Open Source tools. LibreOffice
19:00-23:30 Networking Dinner (55€) Oberschweinstiege Restaurant Terrace
Wednesday June 19 The Future
08:00 Tutorial: Intro and 
Demo on Open Source Blockchain Financial Gateway
08:00 Tutorial:
The value of XBRL for banking supervision
08:45 Welcome words, Werner Bier, ECB
09:00 Tajinder Singh, Dep. Secretary Gen. IOSCO
09:30 Daniela Schackis, Deputy Director General, Secretariat to the Supervisory Board, ECB

10:00 Digital-Age Finance: Staying in Control as Technology transforms the World
09:00 Blockchain standardization activities in Europe
09:30 The EC Rolling Plan for ICT Standardisation & eBusiness
Internationalization of the European Standard on eInvoicing.
10:00 Open Information Model: xBRL-JSON, xBRL-CSV, xBRL-XML
09:00 Single Data Dictionary (SDD) and Banks’ Integrated reporting dictionary (BIRD)
09:30 Converting XBRL into SDMX: A practical approach
10:00 ESEF: The role of the auditor – developments and perspectives
11:00 EC DG IT, Emanuele Baldacci
ECB’s long term vision on the Integrated Reporting Framework (IReF)
12:00 Erkki Liikanen Chair of IFRS Foundation Trustees
11:00 Using self-sovereign identities aligned with eIDAS EU Regulation
11:30 The future of eID in the light of eIDAS
11:00 Measuring Accounting Reporting Complexity
11:30 Non-financial reporting in Europe.
12:15 EC Guidelines on Non-financial Reporting
13:30 The second quantum revolution
14:00 Reporting 3.0 in Luxembourg. Setting up of a financial reporting hub.
14:30 How to solve the “data challenge” within Dutch bamks? 
13:30 Machine Learning and Data Science at ECB
14:00 Evolution of the EBA Reporting Specifications
14:30 Machine Learning for EUR-Lex Legal Measures.
Meeting of the CEN eBusiness Coordination Group
15:30 XBRL Modernisation and Simplification
Sustainability Reporting: no more isolation
16:30 Farewell: François Laurent, ECB

The conference will cover topics like: CRDIV, Solvency II, AML, AnaCredit, iREF, XBRL, ESEF, IFRS, quantum computing, blockchain, etc.

MONDAY JUNE 17, 2019

ESMA organises a session to update market participants on the current status of the ESEF project


Main stage day focusing on the present

Opening by François Laurent, ECB Principal Adviser, DG Statistics

  • keynote speeches by Gabriel Bernardino, Chair EIOPA, Steven Maijoor, Chair ESMA, and Jo Swyngedouw, alternate Chair EBA
  • updates from ECB, EIOPA, ESMA, SRB about the current state of play with supervisory and statistical reporting, strategies about data collection and the fitness of existing regulation.
  • executive updates about this year’s XBRL Taxonomy roadmaps and expected timelines for reporting by the industry to their National Competent Authorities.
  • parallel track sessions from academic and innovative speakers about novelties and analyses and technical updates from “the ones who know”


Main stage day focusing on the future

Opening speech by Werner Bier, Deputy Director DG Statistics, ECB

  • keynote by Daniela Schackis, Deputy Director General, DG Secretariat to the Supervisory Board , SSM
  • keynote by Emanuele Baldacci, Director for Digital Services, European Commission DG IT
  • key note speeches from various specialists
  • more on the IReF initiative from the ECB
  • BIRD and the Single Data Dictionary
  • Machine Learning initiatives at the regulatory side
  • panels on Blockchain, digital age and quantum tech